Back Complaints in Elders

Back Complaints in Elders

– BACE-C – Jonathan Field, Dave Newell 2019/2020

The CRC is funding a 2-year study investigating the chiropractic management of low back pain in patients aged 55 and over.

Researchers Dr. Jonathan Field and Prof. Dave Newell are conducting the UK-arm of a larger, international study, in collaboration with researchers in the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Australia.

The study will provide important data into the management of low back pain in patients aged 55 and over. Back pain is a common occurrence in the older person, and significantly reduces their quality of life and ability to pursue everyday activities. However, this older patient cohort is often excluded from research studies due to the high prevalence of co-morbidities and complex health issues, so this international study will produce some relevant and impactful findings.


January 14, 2021